The Beauty of Vulnerability in Poetry

Exceptional poetry is subjective to the reader. One of the beautiful qualities of humans is our uniqueness from each other. Many will find a richness in period poems about historic events. Others delight in humorous, light-hearted poems that grow them a smile. For me, an exceptional poem is when the words reach deep into your soul…

Priorities and other life things.

Right now, right here, let me hash out a conversation about time management and priorities between myself, and two students of similar age. Me: "I can't really participate in this group discussion because I have all the answers. I can't speculate since I know it already." Student 1 looks at me funny. "I got them…

Trimming the Branches

Trees may grow wild, branches reaching out in every direction with varying crooks and twists and knots. Yes, they may grow large, and wild, and unmanageable. I like to imagine that when we are born, a young sapling is planted, representing our relationships. Those we interact with most significantly become a branch that grows in its…

Not In Love? Move On!

"The one" doesn't exist, so let's shatter that little romantic quip right now. There are a lot of people, some you will get along with more than others. Shared interests, similar personalities, same humor, agreed-upon values, similar visions for your futures... these are recipes for compatibility. Still, no matter who you chose to be with,…

Find a Way to Make a Difference in Our World

Willow Creek Community Church has included a Seed Packing Opportunity into their Spring event called Celebration of Hope for the past 7 years. Celebration of Hope is a 3-week series aimed at increasing awareness on global issues, mainly in underdeveloped areas in Africa. Booths from organizations such as Compassion International and International Justice Mission highlight…

Exposure to Violence

I deeply wish that violence on TV and in video games did not affect people to become more aggressive, but it's difficult to argue against the evidence. It does desensitize children and adults, even though we can draw the line between real and fiction. Children are especially prone to modeling what they see. I do believe…

Is Competition Healthy?

There are so many complaints, articles, and memes about kids these days being raised to believe they are entitled to win everything set before them. There are participation prizes on par with 1st place trophies. You don't even have to compete to win a prize, you just have to show up. As the arguments state, winning…